The material:
200 gr wet noodles, seduh hot water, tiriskan
3 sheets Col, discarded his leaves bones, the slice halus
30 gr the bean sprouts, seduh hot water, tiriskan
2 pieces of fried tempe, the piece 2X2 cm
4 pieces knew fried dry (for example knew sumedang), potong2
4 peanuts human resources goreng
The pickle: 2 cucumbers, the crack of two, discarded his seed, the slice with a thickness of 2 mm
1/4 sdt garam
several drops cuka
1 sugar human resources pasir
Mixed was one of all the materials, was announced 30 minutes so that meresap
Sowing: 2 sheets sledri, the slice halus
2 Shallot human resources goreng
Accessories: Chilli Sauce that was made from the small chilli in boiled and in ground halus
Broth: 2 garlic fangs, ground halus
50 gr sugar jawa
200 cc air
5 soy sauce human resources manis
1/2 sdt garam
several drops cuka
The method processed: Broth: boiled palm sugar and water, as far as soluble sugar, refined.
Boil again palm sugar water, added sweet soy sauce, salt, the vinegar dan
the garlic.
Let until the temperature of space.
Think thought the feeling of this broth, was similar cuko empek2, but rather watery and tidak
The presentation: the Mie Order, the slice cabbage, the bean sprouts, Tempe and knew, the pickle, fried peanuts, scattered with the fried shallot and celery.
Pour broth.
Serve together chilli sauce.
If having crackers karak/gendar/puli, was glad also in squeezed on noodles acar